Jack Dagger Thrower

Jack Dagger Thrower
Cena s DPH

Deatil Jack Dagger Thrower

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-80TJDZ

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Jack Dagger Throwing Knife

Jack Dagger is one of the most popular and well-known knife throwers in the world. The King of Fling has traveled all over the world showcasing his throwing prowess, and has become the go-to trainer for Hollywood's elite, preparing them for knife wielding roles on the big screen.
Making regular appearances on television, dazzling audiences with his skills with the blade, Jack has brought knife throwing to international audiences on a scale that's hard to believe!

Cold Steel is proud to introduce a new throwing knife to the line-up that is based on blades used and thrown by the legendary Jack Dagger. Expertly heat-treated and made from a single piece of 1050 carbon steel, and made to Jack's exact specifications, this new thrower is perfect for professional and competitive knife throwers who are looking for a big, wide clip-point "Bowie Style" throwing knife.

A single sharpened edge also makes this a handy utility and camping knife. A functional and tough tool that will also be great fun to throw on those hot summer nights by the campfire!

- Material: 1050 high carbon steel
- Overall length: approx. 35.6 cm
- Blade length: approx. 19.1 cm
- Blade thickness: approx. 5 mm
- Handle length: approx. 16.5 cm
- Weight: approx. 408 g
- Cold Steel Product No.: 80TJDZ
Shipping weight: 0.70 kg

Obj. kód : CST-80TJDZ

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