Edward The IIIrd Leg Armor

Edward The IIIrd Leg Armor
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Obj. kód : 70962

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14th Century.

These 3/4 length leg armor are designed after those of King Edward the Third of England. The Leg medieval armor is made of 14 g. steel and ready to wear with straps and historical buckles.

Edward III lived from 1312 to 1377. He enjoyed an unusually long reign of fifty years, accomplishing much. The king was an aggressive military campaigner, taking over his father and grandfather’s conquest of Scotland as well as starting the Hundred Years War with France. England was ravaged by the plague twice within his reign and the king was able to restore society relatively quickly after both epidemics.

Edward III was crowned when he was only fourteen years old, when his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer deposed his father. The two of them served as Edward’s regents, during which time Roger Mortimer subjected him to constant disrespect. As a result, when he was only seventeen years old Edward III led a coup to restore his rightful rule. Mortimer was executed within a month of the coup despite the pleas of his mother.

The later years of his rule were marked with civil unrest and strife due to the king’s failing health. Despite that, King Edward III is still considered one of the most successful kings in English history and has been compared to King Arthur himself.

Obj. kód : 70962

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