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Dueling Rapier and Stiletto

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Dueling Rapier and Stiletto
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Obj. kód : 13654

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This versatile rapier comes with a companion stiletto that can be wielded in the off-hand by the duelist. The triangular-bladed stiletto can be unscrewed from its handle and screwed into the pommel of rapier itself, turning the hilt into a second weapon itself. Renaissance rapier manuals often show duelists using an off-hand weapon to parry and strike their opponents in conjunction with the thrust-focused rapier. Half of the crossguard is upwardly swept and able to entrap an opposing blade. The downward swept ''knuckle duster'' is an adept punching tool on its own. Rapiers were purpose made for the urban civilian, and this rapier and stiletto set give its user an array of defense and dueling options.

Made by Windlass Steelcrafts, this rapier is made from 1085 high carbon steel. The swept hilt is of steel and the grip is of bone. The stiletto is all steel and has a triangular blade. The sword comes with a leather and steel-accented scabbard with a integrated sheath for the companion stiletto.

Details Rapier:
Overall Length: approx. 110 cm
Blade Length: approx. 88 cm
Handle Length: approx. 8 cm
Hilt Width: approx. 17 cm
Blade Width: approx. 2 cm
Details Stiletto:
Blade Length: approx. 16.5 cm
Handle Length: approx. 8.5 cm
Blade width near handle: approx. 1 cm
Overall Length Sheath: approx. 95 cm

Obj. kód : 13654

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